Universal Document Converter
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Pagina principale>Developer Solutions>Interfaces>IUDC>IUDCPrinter


The interface is designed to provide access to the Universal Document Converter virtual printer. It helps perform general printer configuration and configure all conversion settings.


String Name
Contains the Universal Document Converter virtual printer name. Read only.

IProfile Profile
Provides access to the IProfile interface which is used to configure the conversion process using the Universal Document Converter virtual printer.

IStatus Status
Provides access to the IStatus interface which is used to obtain information on the status of the Universal Document Converter virtual printer.


Removes from the print queue all jobs sent to the Universal Document Converter virtual printer. Administrative access is required to call the EmptyQueue method.

Stops the printing and conversion of the current document. Its operation is identical to pressing the Cancel button in the Universal Document Converter window.


Visual Basic 6

Dim objUDC As IUDC Dim itfPrinter As IUDCPrinter Set objUDC = New UDC.APIWrapper Set itfPrinter = objUDC.Printers("Universal Document Converter") Call MsgBox ("Printer name is: " + itfPrinter.Name) Call itfPrinter.Stop Call itfPrinter.EmptyQueue

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